New Chapter Begins..
Dear bloggie-woogie-syalala-pampaam (omg, how weird do I call my own blog? geez..)
It has been a few months no update from me . Sorry, I was (and still) busy with college stuff! Remember my last post was about my JATEK experience? and .... I had abandoned it --"
After the JATEK time, which was so thrilling and adventurous (haha, really!?), I moved to JAPAN! YEAY!
I just joined the SUIJI program that was held by EHIME University and my beloved Agriculture Tech., Faculty UGM :) I was living there for about 18 days (so soon T__T) and having lots of unforgettable moments! Trust me! That was one amazing journey and definitely left a quite big mark on my life! The point was.. I DID HAVING SO MUCH FUN . Not only giving back experiences and many many many souvenirs, but I also successfully brought back a new "status", nyahahahahaa (Thank God! ;D) .
Now, after the JATEK and JAPAN things, I'm preparing for another life experience, which only will happen once in my college time! And I'm sure it'll be worth it . So, what is it?? It's my time to KKN ^^v
I will have my KKN program in a village which is far from my hometown in Jogja . Me and my team consist of 28 students from 7 different faculties in UGM will work together in PEMENANG BARAT village, NORTH LOMBOK, LOMBOK ISLAND, NUSA TENGGARA BARAT . It's located in the eastern of BALI ISLAND, fyi .
For approximately 7 weeks, we will try to apply what we have learned and studied in the college . We need to expand our social responsibility in order to serve and develop our beloved country, Indonesia . This year, 5107 of UGM students are participating in KKN program and spread in all over Indonesia, from Sabang to Merauke (just like a song! hehe) .
I do hope this KKN will make me a better person in the future . Amen!
Go Go Fightiiiiiiing for KKN! God bless >_<
It has been a few months no update from me . Sorry, I was (and still) busy with college stuff! Remember my last post was about my JATEK experience? and .... I had abandoned it --"
After the JATEK time, which was so thrilling and adventurous (haha, really!?), I moved to JAPAN! YEAY!
I just joined the SUIJI program that was held by EHIME University and my beloved Agriculture Tech., Faculty UGM :) I was living there for about 18 days (so soon T__T) and having lots of unforgettable moments! Trust me! That was one amazing journey and definitely left a quite big mark on my life! The point was.. I DID HAVING SO MUCH FUN . Not only giving back experiences and many many many souvenirs, but I also successfully brought back a new "status", nyahahahahaa (Thank God! ;D) .
Now, after the JATEK and JAPAN things, I'm preparing for another life experience, which only will happen once in my college time! And I'm sure it'll be worth it . So, what is it?? It's my time to KKN ^^v
I will have my KKN program in a village which is far from my hometown in Jogja . Me and my team consist of 28 students from 7 different faculties in UGM will work together in PEMENANG BARAT village, NORTH LOMBOK, LOMBOK ISLAND, NUSA TENGGARA BARAT . It's located in the eastern of BALI ISLAND, fyi .
For approximately 7 weeks, we will try to apply what we have learned and studied in the college . We need to expand our social responsibility in order to serve and develop our beloved country, Indonesia . This year, 5107 of UGM students are participating in KKN program and spread in all over Indonesia, from Sabang to Merauke (just like a song! hehe) .
I do hope this KKN will make me a better person in the future . Amen!
Go Go Fightiiiiiiing for KKN! God bless >_<
7/01/2013 05:41:00 PM
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