Goodbye, Grandma..

A human life is a story told by God -- HC Andersen 
I was shocked when my mother called me two days ago .
It was not because she called me when I was so busy copied a lot of practical reports in a copy center near my campus with my friends, but, because she told me a very sad news .
She said that my grand mother from my dad side had just passed away .
I couldn't hide my tears .
My friends then helped me got another shift to replace my lab's activity at that moment .
Because I needed to go home as soon as possible .
So, after finishing my lab activity, I went to my home in a flash .
My family had gathered in terrace to welcome me .
My parents especially my dad hugged me tight and asked me to get ready to go to Randublatung, Blora, my dad's hometown and also the place my grandma stayed .
I found an awkward silence inside the car .
Everyone was busy in their own cell phones .
Maybe tried to call any other friends and relatives outside the town .
After we reached the place, many people had been gathered and prayed near the bed my grandma placed .
I sobbed all of a sudden as I approached the bed .
I just starred at my grandma's face .
Couldn't say anything .
I thought I haven't do the right thing that made her proud yet .
Like, the thing she always asked these recent years every time we met :
"Now I try to accept you for what you believe . I just wanna see you graduate and get a great job in a big company and attend your wedding, honey . But first, when will you introduce your special friend to me? Hehehe.." T____________________T

Bye bye Grandma, I'll always love you~ 

her last hug.. Aug'12

Life means all that it ever meant.
It is the same that it ever was.
There is absolute unbroken continuity.
Why should I be out of mind
because I am out of sight?

I am but waiting for you.
For an interval.
Somewhere. Very near.
Just around the corner.

All is well.

(Henry Scott Holland)

Latest Snaps!!

Sooooooo long no update! TT_______TT
Since last month, I've been very VERY busy . Studied for the mid-term exams, wrote the lab reports, joined #TIP2012 solidarity night in Kulon Progo, PLUS currently working on my new project with my 6 other friends! The last one is special! hahaha.. Fyi, it helps me reduce my stress of tight schedule nowadays :) #thankGOD

But, here I come with plenty of pictures! Hohoho.. Snapped by my LG Cookie cell phone . Enjoy! *wink*
Blue Velvet + Hot Latte at Paris Bakery
Van Houten Chocolate~ free!!
My brunch menu when I came to Garden Cafe UNY
My dinner menu at Paris Bakery few days ago
Slushie Nation
Tamansari Food Court Ambarrukmo Plaza
Delicious "Mushroom Cheese Egg Crepe"
 - Shihlin Taiwan Street Snacks
Gotri Restaurant
Pattaya Tofu at Warung Rakyat :)) My family's favorite!
Chocolate Pudding + Toffee Ice at Bee's Galeria Mall
Pizza Hut Ambarrukmo Plaza
Note : My most favorite menu from all pictures above is :
Feels like heaven~! Green Tea Ice Blended 
Another photos...
New friend from Tokyo! Say "hi" to Ayaka!
She studied Bahasa Indonesia :)
a short caption of "Waduk Sermo", Kulon Progo .
Calm & pretty

Me and my besties, Odonk, went to a new cafe named CALAIS . It sold many kind of Bubble Tea & Coffee in a plastic cup (which I think doesn't quite match with the eco-friendly concept people know nowadays) . Anyway, here are some snaps :
Feat. Cicil + Nanin :)

That's it for now! See you soon, readerssss :* 


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